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Success is where preparation and opportunity meet.

Join Our Team

At Wilshire Finance Partners, we operate in a boutique environment with institutional sophistication, which allows for a more creative, flexible, and forward-thinking culture. Equipped with ambition and a results-driven mindset, our team works closely together on many engagements to bring unique, solutions-focused opportunities to our clients.

At our firm, teamwork is more than a word here—it defines our culture. Collaboration raises our game and brings our best ideas to the table. Plus, it’s an exciting way to learn and grow. It also levels up our service to clients and provides them with greater perspective.

With the ability to serve a range of clients with diverse goals, our team gains broad experience and industry knowledge needed to grow and develop in their careers. Additionally, they have access to a variety of resources that can be leveraged to enhance their current position or lead to advancement within the firm, including administrative support, marketing resources, mentorship and training programs, and innovative technology.

Open Positions

    • Eligible Properties:
      • Multifamily
      • Office
      • Retail
      • Warehouse/Industrial
      • Self-storage
      • Mixed Use
      • Senior Housing Facilities
      • Other commercial real estate
    • Rates: Fixed or floating rate
    • Term: Typical terms are 3, 5, 7, and 10
    • Amortization: 25-30 years and interest only also available
    • Recourse: Recourse and Non-Recourse
    • Prepayment Penalty/Lockout: Varies
    • Eligible Properties:
      • Multifamily
      • Office
      • Retail
      • Warehouse/Industrial
      • Self-storage
      • Mixed Use
      • Other commercial real estate
    • Description: Non-Recourse may be assumable
    • Terms: Typically 10 year term
    • Interest Rate: Fixed and floating rate
    • Prepayment Terms: Lock up or yield maintenance may be used
    • Fannie Mae
      • Eligible Properties:
        • Multifamily
        • Seniors Housing
        • Healthcare Real Estate
    • Loan Amount: Minimum of $5,000,000, with exceptions on a case-by-case basis
    • Rate Structure: Fixed and adjustable-rate options available
    • Term: 5 to 10 years (up to 30 years for fixed-rate loans)
    • Amortization: Up to 30 years
    • Recourse: Non-Recourse with standard exceptions, including for fraud and misrepresentation
    • Prepayment Penalty / Lockout: Varies
    • Programs:
      • Standard DUS®
      • Fannie Mae Small Loan
      • Multifamily Affordable Housing (MAH)
      • Fannie Mae Seniors Housing
      • Cooperative Apartment Financing
      • Fannie Mae Student Housing
      • Moderate Rehabilitation (Mod Rehab) Supplemental
      • Green Financing
      • Healthy Housing Rewards
      • Manufactured Housing
    • Fannie Mae
      • Eligible Properties:
        • Multifamily
        • Seniors Housing
        • Healthcare Real Estate
    • Loan Amount: Minimum of $5,000,000, with exceptions on a case-by-case basis
    • Rate Structure: Fixed and adjustable-rate options available
    • Term: 5 to 10 years (up to 30 years for fixed-rate loans)
    • Amortization: Up to 30 years
    • Recourse: Non-Recourse with standard exceptions, including for fraud and misrepresentation
    • Prepayment Penalty / Lockout: Varies
    • Programs:
      • Small Balance Loan
      • Green Advantage
      • Freddie Mac Seniors Housing
      • Cooperative Apartments
      • Student Housing
      • Student Housing Value-Add Loan
      • Freddia Mac Supplemental Loan
      • Value-Add Loan
      • Lease-Up
      • Moderate Rehab
      • Manufactured Housing Community Loan
      • Manufactured Housing Resident Owned Community Loan (MHROC)

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